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Nancy Nielsen

Nancy Nielsen
My best friend, roadie, groupie and wife; Nancy

Dave Alley

Dave Alley
A good friend who joins me on most gigs with a bass.

Guest Musicians Who Often Join Me On Stage

B. Squat Woody

B. Squat Woody
A fantastic acoustic player, songwriter and vocalist who as helped and inspired me.

Don Zank

Don Zank
One of my 'teachers'. Excellent bassest and great sound engineer too.

Lehman's Supper Club May 2007

If you were not at this gig, you missed some great music! Dave Alley was on bass, Gary Dupois backed me with wonderful harmony vocals and guitar. Kim Richie plugged in midway with his 6-string and added vocals too. John Lehman on 6-string guitar does a spectacular job of lead rifts and runs! Brian stopped in on his way back home from an early gig and also added 6-string rythim guitar. 5 guitars, 1 bass, and 2 backing vocalists!! What a huge, full sound. Thank you all for a wonderfull night.

We will be back to open the fall Lehmans music season in Sept.

Click on the picture below for the complete album of the night.

Lehmans May 2007