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Nancy Nielsen

Nancy Nielsen
My best friend, roadie, groupie and wife; Nancy

Dave Alley

Dave Alley
A good friend who joins me on most gigs with a bass.

Guest Musicians Who Often Join Me On Stage

B. Squat Woody

B. Squat Woody
A fantastic acoustic player, songwriter and vocalist who as helped and inspired me.

Don Zank

Don Zank
One of my 'teachers'. Excellent bassest and great sound engineer too.

Sheeley House June 2007

I forgot my camera, so there are no pics...sorry. One of the things I love about this style of music, is that I can adapt my playlist to the audience. A late dinner crowd was looking for ballads and 12-string instrumental, so the first set was just that! Then we turned up the tempo and had a chance to try a few new tunes including the Bon Jovi Make A Memory hit. Back again on Friday July 13.