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Nancy Nielsen

Nancy Nielsen
My best friend, roadie, groupie and wife; Nancy

Dave Alley

Dave Alley
A good friend who joins me on most gigs with a bass.

Guest Musicians Who Often Join Me On Stage

B. Squat Woody

B. Squat Woody
A fantastic acoustic player, songwriter and vocalist who as helped and inspired me.

Don Zank

Don Zank
One of my 'teachers'. Excellent bassest and great sound engineer too.

Halloween 2009

This was a great weekend of fun. The James Sheeley House hosted a costume party Friday the 30th with Jeff White & James Ignacio (The Side Kicks) providing music.

Saturday, Dave & I provided music at the Lounge of Fischers on the Green. Many were in costume. Tom Nutting was in the house and took a guest performance on the stage. After packing out, we stopped by Clancy's in Eau Claire to meet up with some friends and relatives... another late night. A day watching games and races from the couch seems like a good idea Sunday.

Click the link below to see the all the photos

Halloween 2009